
Divisional Policy (EN)

1. Definition and Objectives

1.1 This document establishes rules and procedures of the VATSIM Brasil Division (VATBRZ).

1.2 The policies listed on this document do not replace other policies from, including but not limited to the VATSIM Code of Conduct (CoC), Code of Regulations (CoR), User Agreement, and the Global Controller Administration Policy (GCAP).

1.3 The policies listed on this document apply to all members of the VATSIM Brasil (VATBRZ) division.

1.4 VATSIM Brasil reserves the right to change the content of this document at any time.

2 – VATBRZ Division Structure

2.1 A list of all VATBRZ division staff members shall be publicly available on the Staff page on the official website.

2.2 Division Director duties:

    I. Define and administrate the structure of division;

    II. Review and nominate members to fill vacant staff positions;

    III. Create rules and regulations that apply to the division, in accordance with all policies;

    IV. Establish and maintain an open line of communication with other divisions and departments

    V. Compile divisional quarterly reports for the Vice President - Americas (VATGOV3).

    VI. Review all divisional rules and policies and ensure they're all in accordance with rules and regulations.

2.3 ATC Training Manager duties:

    I. Develop and review the training program for ATC ratings;

    II. Establish rules for the written and practical examinations in accordance with and divisional policies;

    III. Supervise and review ATC training progression

    IV. Coordinate and supervise the training of new ATC instructors and mentors;

    V. Oversee the hiring process for new ATC instructors and mentors;

2.4 Marketing and Events Manager duties:

    I. Develop marketing strategies for the division;

    II. Develop and publish content on all communication channels, such as Discord and Social Media;

    III. Coordinate and supervise events held by VATSIM Brasil, including those in conjunction with other divisions and/or other organizations.

2.5 Operations Manager duties:

    I. Manage the virtual brazilian airspace on VATSIM, based on the real rules and regulations;

    II. Establish standard operational procedures for each FIR, in coordination with the ATC Training Department;

    III. Create, maintain, review and publish official sector files to be used with approved controller software;

    IV. Maintain and update all frequencies and available positions for ATC on VATBRZ;

    V. Coordinate operations related to South America Control (SAM) with the Training Department and Division Director.

2.6 Technology Manager duties:

    I. Manage, develop and oversee the website, email, discord and other technical services required by the division.

    II. Maintain and monitor the server and any other infrastructure required by the division.

    III. Comply with data erasure requests as assigned by the Division Director or relevant department

The Directors and Managers must participate in the decision-making processes and in the development of VATSIM Brasil.

3 - ATC Training

3.1 Members earn controller ratings after approval on the training program for each rating, as established by this policy and the ATC Training department.

3.2 To earn the S1 Development Controller rating, the member must:

    I. Complete the S1 Development controller course on the training portal;

    II. Obtain a score of at least 80% on the written examination;

    III. Obtain a positive assessment from an instructor or mentor from VATSIM Brazil after a training session;

3.3 To earn the S2 Aerodrome Controller rating, the member must:

    I. Complete the S2 Aerodrome Controller course on the training portal;

    II. Obtain a score of at least 80% on the written examination;

    III. Obtain a positive assessment from an instructor or mentor from VATSIM Brazil after practical and simulated training sessions;

    IV. Obtain a positive assessment from an Examiner from VATSIM Brazil during a Controller Practical Exam, that must be conducted on the network.

3.4 To earn the S3 Terminal Controller rating, the member must:

    I. Complete the S3 Terminal Controller course on the training portal;

    II. Obtain a score of at least 80% on the written examination;

    III. Have at least 10 hours connected as an S2 Aerodrome Controller, required as a consolidation period;

    IV. Obtain a positive assessment from an instructor or mentor from VATSIM Brazil after practical and simulated training sessions;

    V. Receive a Solo Endorsement for an Terminal Position (APP) from a VATSIM Brazil Instructor, and complete at least 10 hours connected on that position (see section 3.7 - Solo Endorsement).

    VI. Obtain a positive assessment from an Examiner from VATSIM Brazil during a Controller Practical Exam, that must be conducted on the network.

3.5 To earn the C1 Enroute Controller rating, the member must:

    I. Complete the C1 Enroute Controller course on the training portal;

    II. Obtain a score of at least 80% on the written examination;

    III. Have at least 10 hours connected as an S3 Terminal Controller on a Terminal Position (APP), required as a consolidation period;

    IV. Obtain a positive assessment from an instructor or mentor from VATSIM Brazil after practical and simulated training sessions;

    V. Receive a Solo Endorsement for an Enroute Position (CTR) from a VATSIM Brazil Instructor, and complete at least 10 hours connected on that position (see section 3.7 - Solo Endorsement).

    VI. Obtain a positive assessment from an Examiner from VATSIM Brazil during a Controller Practical Exam, that must be conducted on the network.

3.6 To earn the C3 Senior Controller rating, the member must:

    I. Hold a C1 Enroute Controller rating for at least 12 months;

    II. Have VATSIM Brazil as their home division for at least 12 months;

    III. Have a minimum of 300 hours connected as a C1 Enroute Controller or above (Instructor, Senior Instructor); For those 300 hours, at least:

        a) 200 hours connected on Center (_CTR) or Flight Service Station (_FSS) positions inside VATBRZ; and

        b) A minimum of 20 hours on each of the following positions (or smaller sectors of those positions):

            - SBBS_CTR

            - SBCW_CTR

            - SBRE_CTR

            - SBAZ_CTR

        c) SBAO_FSS and SAM_FSS will be considered for the 200 hours of item III(a), but do not count towards the individual sectors of item III(b);

    IV. Have at least 100 hours connected on Center (_CTR) or Flight Service Station (_FSS) positions inside VATBRZ in the last 12 months at the time of the request;

    V. Have an excellent reputation on VATBRZ and no disciplinary history on the network in the last 24 months at the time of the request.

3.7 Solo Endorsement:

    I. A Solo Endorsement is limited to a single position (or smaller sectors/splits inside that position), and are initially valid for 30 days, with the possibility to be extended to a maximum of 90 days. After 90 days, members may only request a new Solo Endorsement period for the same rating after a waiting period of 1 year, in accordance with GCAP section 7.3(d);

    II. All Solo Endorsements must be approved by the ATC Training Manager after the students completes the written examination, and receives a positive assessment from a Mentor and/or Instructor during practical/simulated training sessions. The CID, position and expiry date must be published on the VATBRZ website.

    III. The Solo Endorsement may be revoked with approval from the Division Director and Vice President - Americas (VATGOV3) in case of irregularities and/or violations to or Divisional Policies and procedures.

3.8 All training and Practical Exams must be requested via a Ticket on the official VATBRZ Discord, and will be assigned to a Mentor, Instructor or Examiner in chronological order. In order to obtain access to the training rooms, all members must link their discord and VATSIM accounts via the Community Hub

4. ATC Instructors

ATC Instructors from VATBRZ receive special controller ratings. Those ratings are temporary, and will be revoked when a member leaves the position inside the VATBRZ ATC Training Department, returning to their last rating before the upgrade - C1 Enroute Controller, or C3 Senior Controller.

4.1 ATC Instructor (I1) The I1 rating in VATBRZ qualifies controllers to instruct trainees in all ratings: S1, S2, S3, and C1. I1-rated controllers provide training, conduct assessments, and help develop future controllers.

In order to become an ATC Instructor, a member must:

    I. Hold a C1 Enroute Controller rating or greater;

    II. Have served as an ATC Mentor for at least 6 months;

    III. Have trained at least one student on each rating (S1, S2 and S3) as a mentor;

    IV. Demonstrate strong knowledge of ATC procedures and training methodology;

    V. Demonstrate strong knowledge of Divisional and Network policies;

    VI. Be recommended by a current ATC Instructor or Division Leadership.

    VII. Have an excellent reputation on VATBRZ and no disciplinary history on the network in the last 24 months at the time of the request.

4.2 Senior ATC Instructor (I3) The I3 rating in VATBRZ recognizes ATC instructors with advanced experience in the department. Unlike the C3 rating, which focuses on operational proficiency, the I3 is awarded for significant involvement in the ATC Training Department.

In order to become a Senior ATC Instructor, a member must:

    I. Hold a I1 ATC Instructor rating for at least 12 months;

    II. Hold a C3 Senior Controller rating;

    III. Have consistently contributed to the training, practical examination and/or creation of training materials for the department for at last 12 months.

    IV. Be recommended by a current ATC Instructor or Division Leadership.

    V. Have an excellent reputation on VATBRZ and no disciplinary history on the network in the last 24 months at the time of the request.

5 - ATC Roster

5.1 VATBRZ must publish and maintain an up-to-date 'ATC Roster' list with all active controllers that are authorized to control ATC positions covering the Brazilian airspace. This list must be published on the official VATBRZ website .

5.2 All members listed on the active 'ATC Roster' must control for a minimum of 2 hours over each quarter in order to be considered as an active controller for the following quarter. Only valid positions inside Brazilian airspace will be accounted for this currency requirement. This requirement is in accordance with GCAP section 9.4(c)(i).

5.3 Members that do not maintain the minimum amount of hours during each quarter will be removed from the active roster on the first day of the following quarter. A member that is not listed as active on the 'ATC Roster' must reach out to the VATBRZ Staff via a discord ticket requesting reactivation before connecting as a controller. If necessary, a training session may be requested before the member is added back to the active roster.

5.4 Members that are not listed as active on the ATC Roster are not allowed to connect as a controller on any position inside Brazilian airspace. Members that violate this rule are subject to administrative actions for violating the section C2 of the VATSIM Code of Conduct and section 9.4(c) from GCAP